Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hello, it's me. Where did the year go?

It has been an interesting year.  I got cancer again.  Blah.  No fun.  No fun at all.  How did I deal with it?  I let myself deal with it any way I wanted to deal with it.... the only way I could.... one day at a time.  Plus, I had many other things and people to keep my mind off myself.  That helped.  It helped a bunch.  Then there is seventies music.  I can always pull that out of my hat too.  Oh, and Hallmark movies.  The ones with predictable plots, but I didn't care.  Then, when I could walk, walks to the pond.  Sitting by water, listening to frogs and watching birds dive in for a sip, is pretty restoring.  This is going to sound awful of me, but I have to be honest.  I know God was watching over me but I kind of took the phone off the hook for a while.  I don't know why.   Even so, I had a feeling it was okay with Him because He understood I did not really know what to say, but I kept a thankful heart.  Finally, when it struck me, I would write a poem.  Music, movies, walks, talks, writing and even well-placed denial might have kept my spirits up, but I could not have survived without my family, great doctors, nurses and wonderful friends.  I've been humbled to my core.  Again.