Saturday, October 22, 2011

....moving on!

Okay, I think I have most of my philosophical musings about illness out of my system for now.  There are so many things going on, I can hardly keep up!  Junior has decided to open his own shop and three of our boys, Jake, Seth and Luke, want to work with him!  It is something he has been talking about for awhile now and the timing seems right.  
Back: Mom, Jeromy, Mandy, Jake, Song & Paisley, Susan, Junior Front: Luke & Seth
Max, Sam and Song are still in high school.  Max is trying to get his associates by the time he graduates (he is taking classes at CTC while at Ellison).  He is leaning toward a career in the medical field, but is not sure if he wants to run in college or not.  Sam is becoming interested in engineering and wants to run.  Both would like to study abroad at some point.  They have not settled on a college yet.  I wonder if they will be at the same school!  Max has been growing his hair out to donate!  Both boys are running very well this year, working hard and enjoying life!

Sam and Max
Song and Josh
Song decided not to do band this year.  It's sad not to be able to watch her dance/play, but she is very happy!  She's in the Honor Society and Student Council and is taking the prerequisite class this year for the health tech vocational program next year to learn about medical careers.  She's interested in nursing or something in the medical field.

Luke, Me and Sam
This is my first year not driving anyone to school in, hmmmm, about 20 years!  First, I am still recovering and organizing my own thoughts and the household, now that I have a little more time to do so.  With everyone home, however, a lot of time is still devoted to housework/cooking/laundry.  Even so, I am enjoying this "in between" time and have given myself permission not to commit to anything else until I feel ready.  I'm not ready yet.

Max, Sam, Me and Luke

Junior and the boys are opening their own shop!

Monday, October 17, 2011


"Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring two-pence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it."  

- C. S. Lewis